This Vedic tradition, the root, on which this large vata-vriksha of human civilization has prospered, has to be preserved and nurtured. It is the only duty ordained to us by our future generation. This great fountain head of all traditions has to be continued through preservation of the mantra-dwani and utilising it for the performance of the srauta and smarta rituals. South India has been the refuge and home of Vedic and sastraic learning for several centuries.
Sandeepani Sadhanalaya Vaideeka Patana Kendra aims to provide a platform for the students to study scientifically, logically and rationally the heritage of our motherland. Study the customs and rituals, the scientific spirituality, the content of ancient literature and the science and technology existed in this last for the last many thousand years. Teaching students upon Veda Mantras, Suktams , Puja Vidhanams for making them temple priests and also for the role model of this society.